The Right Thing to Say When Someone Mentions Parenting Choices, Breastfeeding, Circumcision and More…

So you’re with a soon-to-be Dad and he mentions that they’ll be circumcising their son. What do you say?

You see a woman breastfeeding on a mall bench. What do you say?

You’re chatting with a friend about her experiences with bottle feeding. What do you say?

Your friend tells you how his family co-sleeps. What do you say?

You see a parent giving a baby a pacifier. What do you say?

You watch a crying baby in a stroller. What do you say?

Your friend is having lunch with you, when she cracks open a jar of baby food for her 4 month old. What do you say?

Your friend’s toddler loves playing games on the iPad. What do you say?

Here’s what you say. YOU SAY NOTHING. Because unless someone is specifically asking for your opinion, flapping your gums is as unwelcome as herpes on prom night.

Say nothing

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4 thoughts on “The Right Thing to Say When Someone Mentions Parenting Choices, Breastfeeding, Circumcision and More…

  1. One of those things is not like the others – the one involving unnecessary aesthetic surgery on a non-consenting infant. Otherwise, in full agreement.

    1. We don’t have to agree, but it’s also none of your business what another family chooses. Nor is it my business what others choose.

      1. I hear ya, but just for the sake of discussion, when DOES another person’s decision (as a parent) become our business? When we sincerely believe that harm will come to the child? Possibly, but that’s where 2 people’s differing ideas of what constitutes “harm” might come into play.

      2. That’s the problem, I think. It’s an opinion I think doesn’t need to be shared with a parent. I have strong opinions about CIO, attachment parenting, and more, but I don’t offer them up to people unless asked (or unless I am posting here on my own site).

        I think everyone’s aware of the two opinions around circumcision so it’s not something I think we need to chime in on when someone else has made a decision one way or the other, ya know?

        But I get where you’re coming from.

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