Tag: divorce

I Was Sideswiped By My Own Divorce

I Was Sideswiped By My Own Divorce

Ahh, sometimes I miss my smug married life. I’d been married for 11 years, to the person I thought was..

I Miss Me

I Miss Me

So many times I’ve opened up this window and stared blankly at the blinking cursor. What do I even have..

840 days

It’s been 840 days since I became officially separated, and though I vaguely recall the early days of feeling like..

I May Be Dating Myself a Bit Here

I May Be Dating Myself a Bit Here

The most romantic date of my life ending with me walking in the chilly February rain, without proper boots and..

I, Pariah

I, Pariah

I was married for 11 years, and with that man for almost 20. Barrelling into midlife was predictably tumultuous for..