Show me your brave

Show me your brave

Life’s full of moments of fear that we overcome.

For some it’s just leaving the house every day. For others, it’s jumping from a plane, getting a tattoo, touching a tarantula, or facing death.

Bravery comes in so many shapes and sizes.

I love Sara Bareille’s song “Brave” and often start my work days listening to it. It drowns out the voices that tell me I can’t, I shouldn’t, I won’t. When every day presents moments of bravery, sometimes we forget just how strong and amazing we are.

The aim of the #ShowMeYourBrave project is to feature some human stories of bravery and I want you to be a part of that.

What’s the bravest, scariest or most intimidating thing you’ve ever done?

The project is featured at, with new posts each week featuring the incredible ways humans show courage and strength.

Click here –> Show Me Your Brave to fill in the form and submit your story. 

It can be anonymous or not, totally up to participants. Just fill in the form if you’re at all interested in the project.

Come on, don’t be afraid, show me your brave.

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4 thoughts on “Show me your brave

  1. This is amazing. You are amazing actually.

    I love your tattoo. I do not say that often. It is much bigger than I expected. I saw the first one (snapshot) and assumed it was very small. It’s lovely!

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