Category: IMHO
I wanna share something with you. My eldest is in grade 12 this year, and I’m seeing my friend group..
I spend a lotta time talking about kindness vs. niceness. There’s a massive difference between the two, and society seems..
To be clear, this isn’t at all what men need to be doing on International Women’s Day, it’s what they..
Years ago, I found my birth family. One of my sisters and I have maintained a relationship, but my birth..
Bless me father, for I have sin– no, wait, that’s not right. Forgive me, readers, for I have not blogged…
I am a self-proclaimed “silver-lining-finder”. It’s not something I shove down the throats of others, but a way I cope..
Today is Day 31 of self-isolation in my home, due to Covid-19. How are we coping? My answer to my..
Ahh, sometimes I miss my smug married life. I’d been married for 11 years, to the person I thought was..
Here’s the thing, my friends: forgiveness is overrated. We are told constantly that in order to move beyond hurt, we..