Category: IMHO

Success is Inevitable

Success is Inevitable

I wanna share something with you. My eldest is in grade 12 this year, and I’m seeing my friend group..

Kindness vs. Niceness

Kindness vs. Niceness

I spend a lotta time talking about kindness vs. niceness. There’s a massive difference between the two, and society seems..

Why Do We Praise Men for Doing the Bare Minimum?

Why Do We Praise Men for Doing the Bare Minimum?

When my daughter was little, I used to love dressing her in cool clothes (that I typically bought on sale..

Here’s What Men Should Be Doing for International Women’s Day

Here’s What Men Should Be Doing for International Women’s Day

To be clear, this isn’t at all what men need to be doing on International Women’s Day, it’s what they..

An Open Letter to My Birth Parents

An Open Letter to My Birth Parents

Years ago, I found my birth family. One of my sisters and I have maintained a relationship, but my birth..

You’re Still Here.

You’re Still Here.

Bless me father, for I have sin– no, wait, that’s not right. Forgive me, readers, for I have not blogged…

Oh, So Tired

Oh, So Tired

I am a self-proclaimed “silver-lining-finder”. It’s not something I shove down the throats of others, but a way I cope..

The Overwhelm

The Overwhelm

Today is Day 31 of self-isolation in my home, due to Covid-19. How are we coping? My answer to my..

I Was Sideswiped By My Own Divorce

I Was Sideswiped By My Own Divorce

Ahh, sometimes I miss my smug married life. I’d been married for 11 years, to the person I thought was..

I Don’t Actually Forgive You

I Don’t Actually Forgive You

Here’s the thing, my friends: forgiveness is overrated. We are told constantly that in order to move beyond hurt, we..