#ShowMeYourBrave: Leukaemia took his life, but his courage lives on

#ShowMeYourBrave: Leukaemia took his life, but his courage lives on


Each week when I share a new #ShowMeYourBrave post, I choose from the many submissions and make the difficult decision about which story will be featured. This week, I am honoured and heartbroken to share this mother’s story. She submitted the story of her son’s great bravery, but it is her courage that pushes on through her great loss, to keep her son’s legacy alive. 


I asked, “What is the bravest, scariest, or most intimidating thing you’ve ever had to do?” Lorraine answered:

“The five year journey of my son’s brave battle with leukaemia enduring two bone marrow transplants.

Diagnosed at the tender age of 13 until he was stolen just shy of his 18th birthday, he was and is a champion that inspired so many.

If you don’t fight the fights you may not win, how can you call yourself a champion?

AJF April 15, 1994 to March 11, 2012.”

Lorraine told me, “As Adam’s mom, it resonated with me to portray “his brave” as it is not mine.   I was only a bystander in the storm”, but I see her incredible courage and marvel at how a parent can lose a child like this and continue on, spreading his message of strength and bravery.

Adam’s story will live on.

Champion from Lorraine Fedosoff on Vimeo.


The #ShowMeYourBrave Project asks people, “What’s the bravest, scariest, or most intimidating thing you’ve ever done?”. The idea of the project is to share stories of everyday bravery and human resilience to bring us closer together. In sharing, we not only find our voices, but we find support, allies, and others who have faced similar challenges. If you would like to submit your story, we would love to feature your bravery here.

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One thought on “#ShowMeYourBrave: Leukaemia took his life, but his courage lives on

  1. A story that is sad, tragic, incredibly courageous, inspiring, heart warming et al

    We loved Adam, he inspired us, he made us smile, we miss him but we remember him fondly as our lives were richer for having known him. <3 xo

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